Production Planning and Scheduling Consulting
With over 30 years of experience transforming real world planning and scheduling requirements into realistic, usable models to optimize the manufacturing supply chain at hundreds of sites worldwide, we are the premier choice to help you with your Aspentech Supply Chain solution. Whether it's a new build or maintenance on an existing solution, Baartmans and Associates has the experience and expertise to deliver a "down to earth" optimal solution for whatever production planning and scheduling issues you may be facing.
Since 1990, we've been using the including Supply Chain (formerly known as MIMI) suite of products to create usable optimization models to demand planners (forecasters), production planners, and plant schedulers worldwide.   We have extensive experience in a variety of industries including: Specialty (batch and continuous) Chemicals, Polymers, Food and Beverage, Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals, Upstream (rig scheduling) and Downstream Energy to name a few. We have been continuously improving our agile delivery methodology for the past 30 years to deliver systems that are balanced in both usability and optimality. Get in touch to learn more about our vision and consulting approach.

Need help with your supply chain model. We have expertise in the following areas:
Supply Chain Network Design,
Demand Forecasting model design and build,
S&OP process design,
Production Planning model design and build,
S&OE process design,
Production Scheduling model design and build,
Near Term Distribution model design and build, as well as
Analytics design and build (power BI) to support all of the above processes.
Contact us today and see what we can do for you.